How to access SSH keys for a Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine VM instance?

 Easiest way for creating and using one pair of ssh keys for multiple instances:

Step 1: Install putty and puttyGen from

Step 2: Open a terminal in your local desktop / laptop (in Windows 10 and later you use Windows Linux Subsystem)

Type: ssh-keygen

Enter a name for the filename at the prompt: e.g. google_key

2 files will be created google_key and

Step 3: Copy the entire contents of the

Note there is no new line character. It should all be in one line.

Step 4: Before creating any VM instance, go to Compute Engine -> Metadata

Select "SSH keys" tab and click "Add SSH" keys

Paste the contents of the If you pasted the contents properly, you sho
uld see the username appear on the left label. Then hit save.

Step 5: Now create your favorite VM instance under google compute.

Copy the External IP vm_instance_external_ip

Go back to your linux terminal and type

ssh -i username@vm_instance_external_ip

Type "yes"

And now you should be good to go.

If you need video instructions, see here

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