Basic commands of Bash Terminal

List files and directories:

ls: List files and directories.

ls -a: List files and directories, including hidden ones.

List files and directories with full details:

ls -l: List files and directories with full details.

Get file size in GB/MB:

ls -l --b=M
ls -l --b=G

List files and directories with full details, including hidden files:

ls -la
ls -al: List files and directories with full details, including hidden files.

Change directory:

cd <directory name>: Change to the specified directory. Autocomplete is available by typing a few letters of the directory name.

Go to the previous directory:

cd ..: Go to the previous directory.

Go to the home directory:

cd ~: Go to the home directory.

Changing back and forth:

pushd <directory>

Read file info:

file <file>

Search for file and folder:

locate <search>

Before using the locate command, make sure to upgrade the database of the directory and file list:

sudo updatedb

Find out if a file/folder exists:

which <search>

History of the last 1000 commands:


Get help about a command:

whatis <command>
Example: whatis cal

Make directory:

mkdir <name>

Create file:

touch <file name>

If the file doesn't exist, it will be created. If it does exist, the modified date will be updated.

Create multiple files:

touch <filename> <filename> <filename>

Copy file:

cp <old address> <new address>

Move file:

mv <old address> <new address>

Rename file:

mv <old name> <new name>

Remove all files from a directory:

rm *
rm <filename>*

Remove folder and its contents:

rm -r <folder name>
rm -r *

Remove empty folders:

rmdir <folder name>

Clear the command line:


Read the contents of a file:

cat <filename>

Add content to a text file:

cat >> <filename>
Type the text to save and use Ctrl+C/V to exit.

Read through a file:

more <filename>
less <filename>
Press 'q' to exit.

Edit a file:

nano <filename>

Read through command history:

history | less

Save command output to a file:

history > his.txt
ls -la > lsout.txt

Login as administrator:

sudo -s
The dollar sign turns into a hashtag.

Exit administrator mode:


See file permissions:

ls -l
The output format is: `-rw- r-- r--`, where the first part represents permissions for the user, the second for the group, and the third for everybody.

Set file permissions:

Nobody can read: chmod 700 <filename>

Everybody can only read: chmod 744 <filename>

Standard permission for files: 644

Standard permission for folders: 755

Command Line Cheat Sheet

Check system memory:

watch free -h

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