How to work with Python Virtual Environment

1. Install virtualenv:

Open Git Bash and run the following command:

pip install virtualenv
def func:

2. Create a virtual environment:

Go to your project directory using Git Bash and then run the following command:

virtualenv <YOUR_ENV_NAME> 

virtualenv venv

Replace <YOUR_ENV_NAME> with the desired name for your virtual environment.

3. Activate the virtual environment:

To activate the virtual environment from your project directory, run the following command:

Bash on Windows: 

source <YOUR_ENV_NAME>/Scripts/activate

source venv/Scripts/activate

Note: If you encounter an error related to script execution, you may need to adjust the execution policy. Run the following command in Git Bash with administrator privileges:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

For Windowos: 


On Linux:
source venv/bin/activate

4. Install packages within the virtual environment:

While the virtual environment is activated, you can use pip to install packages. For example:

pip install package_name

5. Generate a requirements.txt file:

To create a requirements.txt file that lists all the installed packages and their versions, run the following command while the virtual environment is activated:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

This command will generate a requirements.txt file in your project directory.

6. Install packages from requirements.txt:

If you want to install all the packages listed in the requirements.txt file into another environment or on a different machine, follow these steps:

a. Create a new virtual environment (if necessary) and activate it.

b. Navigate to the project directory where the requirements.txt file is located.

c. Run the following command to install the packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

7. Deactivate the virtual environment:

To deactivate the virtual environment and return to the system's default Python environment, run the following command:


8. Use the virtual environment in VSCode:

To use the virtual environment within VSCode, open the integrated terminal (Ctrl+`) and ensure that the correct virtual environment is activated. You can check this by seeing the environment name at the beginning of the command prompt.


(YOUR_ENV_NAME) user@PC MINGW64 /c/project_directory $

Virtualenv in Git Bash on Windows

Additional Information:

- Virtualenv allows you to create isolated Python environments, which helps manage package dependencies for different projects.

- It's recommended to create a new virtual environment for each project to keep dependencies separate.

- You can delete a virtual environment by simply deleting its folder.

- Remember to activate the virtual environment each time you work on your project to ensure you're using the correct Python interpreter and installed packages.

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